Innovation Labs
We research the application of innovative meditation rooms in organisations and companies.
Connecting the energetic field of an organisation with its highest future potential and holding space for a continuous stream of innovative impulses is the innovation of innovation.
We help organisations to bring their Innovation skills to the next level, by applying consciousness based technology to connect the organisation's field with its future potential to bring information and energetic impulses from the future into the Now.
What are you actually doing?
We support the systemic structures of organisations through dedicated meditation rooms.
We consciously connect the field of the organisation with its highest future potential and invite information and energetic impulses from the the future to inform and support the current field of the organisation.
What are the benefits?
You will find out and it will be tangible.
In most cases the benefits appear in a totally different area than initially expected.
What we often observe are:
- Alignment of the company vision and strategy
- More coherent and motivated teams
- Totally new ideas and business models
- Transformation of deep rooted dynamics
- A sense of flow and reorientation within the organization
Weird but Wow!
You are intrigued and want to know more. Let's talk.
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Watch the documentary about one of our earliest experiments.
In May 2019, we did a 10 day experiment and held space in the meditation room of the innovative print company Gugler* in Austria.
It was a great learning and helped to develop the approach of the Conscious Innovation Lab.