Solstice and Eclipse Meditation June 20/21

Join the solstice and eclipse meditation 

in the virtual meditation room 

Co-hosted by 

and the Conscious Innovation Lab.

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Come and sit in presence and silence with people all around the world, holding space for the new, sustainable world to ground itself into this reality.

Zoom link for the meditation room:

The meditation will be live-streamed in the Facebook Group Global Online Meditation 

Guidelines for the meditation room:

  • Join and leave at any time 
  • Keep your microphone muted 
  • Sit in presence and meditation
  • In the presence of the sacred, we hold space and welcome the highest future potential of this world to manifest itself in sustainable, healthy and loving way. 

Exact times of the solstice and eclipse.

The following times are Central European Time.
You can use the time zone converter
to check for your local time. 

Eclipse June 21

The eclipse will arise between 5.45am and 12.35 CET (German time) with its peak at 8.34am. 

Solstice June 20

The solstice will happen in Germany at 23.43 on the evening of June 20th.